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Authors |
Guskova Nadezhda Dmitrievna, Doctor of economic sciences, professor, head of sub-department of management, Ogarev Mordovia State University (44 Polezhaeva street, Penza, Russia), econauka@yandex.ru
Sushkova Yuliya Nikolaevna, Doctor of historical sciences, associate professor, head of sub-department of international and european law, dean of the law faculty, Ogarev Mordovia State University (44 Polezhaeva street, Penza, Russia), yulenkam@mail.ru
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Abstract |
Background. European integration has taken place already for several decades. During this period, there has been performed the search of an optimal path of development and formation of the united Europe. That path has not been found. Considering Europe in the context of the integration process, it is necessary to emphasize its non-uniformity, diversity of conflicting trends up to minimization of the possibility of community transformations. The purpose of this article is to analyze the existing approaches to defining the concept of “European integration”, the stages of its formation and to substantiate a necessity of its consideration as a part of the educational program “European Studies”.
Materials and methods. The research problems were solved through the usage of the data of online survey of college students and recent graduates of the program “European Studies” at various universities in the world. The solution allowed to establish students’ motivation to study the issues presented in the “European Studies” and to determine the prospects of its development.
Results. The authors researched the formation and development of European integration in the context of European research, carried out the analysis of preconditions of its occurrence, justified the prospects of development of European Studies within the interaction and cooperation between the European and Eurasian Unions.
Conclusions. The evolution of European integration in the framework of the European research allowed to determine its development prospects: the expansion of political and legal framework of the European space, including a more detailed study of Russia, as the largest European country. At the same time, greater attention should be paid to the comparative aspects of European and national institutions, the analysis of perception of Europe by other countries in the world, implementation of joint projects.
Key words |
European studies, Europe, European integration, Jean Monnet, European Union, cooperation.
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References |
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